As a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Program at Antioch University, and as an adult adoptee, I am recruiting participants for a research study titled Voices of Adoptees: Stories and Experiences in Schools. The goal of this study is to understand the stories and experiences of adoptees within school. In order to be eligible to participate,
a) You must have been adopted.
b) You must now be over the age of 18.
c) And you must have attended school.
If you meet these eligibility criteria, I am asking you to complete an anonymous online survey that aims to gather information about any impact adoption may have had on your school experience. In addition, I will ask about your experience of how prepared your school professionals were to understand your issues surrounding adoption. The survey should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and you may discontinue your participation at any time without penalty.
Please access the consent form and survey via this link:
Thank you very much, I appreciate your time and input!