So, I am kind of nervous to start reaching out about this issue, because it's not mine to talk about really. I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years now, we have been close friends for 9 years. we recently moved in together. He is adopted, at birth, and has contact with his birth mother who is in a stable relationship for many years but has achohal abuse issues. i am nervous to say much more because i feel bad... these arn't my issues to air. i know i've already said too much. i just really need help as far as family bonding stuff. i really want to help this man who i love with all of my heart to feel happier. i feel like this family thing is a hinderance to it.
he has grown to been a wonderful boyfriend, took a while to let his guard down and let me in, but we are strong now and i just want him to be happy as we move along in our life together. i talked with him yesterday about when we have a family if he will be as 'have to' rather then 'want to' like he is with his adoptive family, and he said he 'didnt think so'.
this 'dont think so' is making me wonder what i can do to help him feel more......comfortable.. with the idea of family. he has always wanted a child, and we talk about adoption whenever the topic comes up. i would love to adopt, as would he. i just want him to be happy. and it seems whenever we are with his family or mine, its a chore for him. he refers to it has hell. he seems to enjoy himself around them, but spends alot of time texting and being only partially interested in conversation. he is kinda close to his sister, who is also adopted, from another birth mother though.
anyway, if anyone has advice, ideas, whatever. just something to help me think about what i can do to help him. i love this guy alot and i honestly want to make him happier as life goes on.
Thank you so much for any thing.