My wife has two daughters, aged 3 1/2 and almost 5 from two different 'fathers'. Neither has ever been involved in their lives, and both have the father listed as 'unknown' on the birth certificate.
I have been 'Daddy' to these girls since they could talk, and I intend to adopt them. I'm wondering if anyone has an idea on the procedure, and if it will be easier or more difficult based on the fact that the biological fathers are legally listed as 'unknown'. Any help?
state laws vary. You need to start with a family practice lawyer who specializes in adoptions.
In general, you need to formallly terminate the other father's parental rights. this may be as simple as putting out a notification in your local paper.. it might not even be necessary after 5 years, you may be able to apply for TPR as an abandonment case
Whenever and however you sever those ties, once done, the adoption is fairly str8 fwd.
A local lawyer shuld be able to step you through this
this link seems to spell out your process. [url=]Wisconsin Stepparent Adoption Documents.[/url]
I can't speak to its current status