Today I gave my Athena some bangs and I think they look really cute. I was thinking though I could turn them under with my curling iron or try to put a curler rod thingy in overnight... has anyone tried this with aa hair and would it be terribly damaging?
Here's the latest pic of her... the one is her in her brand new "big girl" bed.
No hot irons, she is too young and never know when she will make an unexpected move. Use a medium diameter curling rod, not too tight,...with a little bit of setting lotion over night.
Personally I would spiral curl them with a pencil and some oil gel or mousse. Like a row of up and down boing-boing curls.
yeah i would just put little pony tails in for now because she so young if i were you i would wait till she is a leat 7 or 9 and her hair isnt that long to iron out alest looks that way in the pics.
I can't believe how quickly your gorgeous daughter is growing, Oceanica! She's a real beauty. And I LOVE her new princess bed!
P.S. All of your babies are so beautifully dressed. Thank you for sharing their photos with us! :loveyou:
Right now, Athena looks too young to use a curler on her hair. Curling and flat irons are extremely hot and little children squirm around too much to make them safe. I always recommend using hot iron and curlers around 7-8 years old.
If you want curls in her hair, I would just put flexi rods in her hair overnight with some curling custard. I bought some for my hair at Target and they work really well. I prefer them over rollers because I can sleep in them.
We waited until age 5 to start using irons. Before that kids are too young to sit still. We've never used a curling iron on DD's hair because it's an open iron...not like a flat iron which at least sides shielding it. DD still got her fingers burned a time or two because she would put her hand up to touch her hair while I was using the iron. We only flat-iron in the winter because it's a waste of time in the summer... the heat or water undo all that work.
I like the little spiral curl bang look, very cute and appropriate for a toddler or little girl.
Nevada Jen
Personally I would spiral curl them with a pencil and some oil gel or mousse. Like a row of up and down boing-boing curls.