I'm adopted from Colombia and am really unsure where to begin looking for my birth mom. I feel I'm more than ready to begin this journey....I'm thinking I could call the orphanage, but my Spanish is not superb. I went on a trip to Colombia at age 15 and they advised i had to be 18 to search (now 23) ...i believe they gave me all the information they have, I sat with the director and went through my file....which my amom has and I dont think I have the strength to tell her how desperately I feel the need to find my bfamily.... I do not think the US adoption agency, Alliance for Children assists in searches. I've scoured their website and it does not seem very hopeful to go through them....has anyone tried searching for their birthfamily internationally? where did you begin? i am completely self sufficient and only 23 .. so I do not have a lot of extra money, plus I am hesitant to hire a private detective in another country that i've never met.... any sugguestions?