This forum seems dead, so I am not sure how much help I am going to find here, but am hoping to find a search angel lurking who can help in Cumberland County.
I have tried to look up the North Carolina Birth Index for 1975 in Cumberland County to match with some possible information that I have. It appears that all of the online sources stop at 1973 for some reason.
If anyone has made copies of the Birth Index for 1975 or would be willing to make copies, I would be willing to reimburse for costs.
I know its a long shot that I will find anything, but everything I read says to check anyway.
I know there is a CI program in place, but I don't really have the $400/$500 to put down right now, and I would also like my medical records from the months in the hospital and without a name at birth I cannot request them.
I have a possible name at birth, but I am not certain if it was a name on the OBC or just a name the foster family gave me. I am also not sure if it is a first/last name or a first/middle name.
Also, does anyone know the procedure for petitioning the court in Cumberland County to unseal your birth certificate or your adoption order?
Would I have to have an attorney and/or be present or can I send in a request?
I would like access to my 3 or 4 months of hospital records from Duke after I was born, but cannot ask them for the records without proof of who I am ie OBC and Order of Adoption.
Has anyone had luck in getting this information from Cumberland County?
Any help would be appreciated, as I am now living in WA State.