Wondering if anyone finds that a PTSD rx gets diagnosed with ODD. I think my little one has PTSD and he's starting to get EMDR therapy. The school psychologist seems to think it's more ODD and while she doesn't want to dismiss the PTSD, she thinks more thought ought to be given to ODD. The school sent my little one to a "behavioral specialist" who, after 40 minutes diagnosed him as ODD. But it was a one-shot deal. It's frustrating dealing with people who get stuck on one diagnosis and refuse to look at anything else.
IMHO as an adoptive parent of 3 and former CPS worker for 10 years that schools want a diagnosis that 1)they understand, 2) can give a pill for, 3) can "explain" why the child acts the way that they do, 4) can make behavioral -- because behavioral IEPS get more $$ than medical ones..... I am currently looking at my son's IEP and behavioral plan to make adjustments next month when he returns to school. I have had him home for the first part of the school year to homeschool him while he works to completes his trauma therapy. He was diagnosed 11/09 with PDD on the Autism Spectrum. No where on his IEP does it mention Autism Spectrum or PDD ---- or how it relates to the behavioral issues that he has!! Well, that will be addressed at our meeting before he returns!Schools want the easy way out. Don't get me wrong there are good schools out there (wish I could get my kids to one but doesn't work where we live) but many just want the easy way--- besides I think they can blame the kid more for ODD than PTSD --- after all the kid didn't do the trauma thing that has affected them (obviously)