And you find yourself standing in the shower at your in laws bawling because you are angry and tired and don't care that we couldn't all be there at once and that your screen door is broken because really none of it matters because you don't get to see your kid open his presents.
There I said it... I'm mad because my MIL complained and complained about me working today and not getting to have us all there at the same time, but at least she got to see us.
I'm still ticked. I can't help it. I managed to not have a meltdown even though she has been harassing me about work for three weeks. Finally I got mad and told her that J's brother just doesn't care about seeing us because they have been through Chamberlain and don't call and we have been to Sioux Falls and they don't have time to see us, so leave it alone all ready.
Then I yelled at my FIL because he was harassing me about my broken screen today. Seriously, on Christmas Eve, that is what he is worrying about. I almost dropped an F-bomb.
I'm sure a week from now I will be laughing, but holy crap today, not so much.
Belle - we care and we don't care if your screen door is broken - besides they are only important in the summer. Big hugs and wishes that they grow up before you return and just count their blessings.
Take care,
Thanks Sarah and Dickons!
I'm better this morning. I got home from work last night and played my new video game for awhile and then slept. We have a quiet day with just us and the dogs and cats because we both work tonight, which is fine.
What do you do? J's mom loves us and just wants us to always spend more time, which is better than her not liking me, haha. Just hard to remember that in the middle of the whining :)
J's dad... well he does stuff like that not just to me. He and J's mom got in a disagreement in front of me and E (J's son) about calling J's brother and what time he would be there. We were both embarassed and later when they were working on the turkey the dogs came running out of the kitchen gleefully and we had to check and make sure they hadn't gotten a whole turkey that she had thrown at his head.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that Belle. It's always something at the holidays, it seems. If you FIL is so concerned about your screen door, might I suggest he fix it?? :evilgrin:
I'm glad you are feeling better today. I wish I could be with my son, too (even though he's grown). He turned 30 a few days ago, and that's been hard for me.
Hi Belle,
The holidays are so overdone these days. My SIL decided to play "mean girl" with me last night. I kept on trying to get DH to leave without making a scene and he refused. He's mad at me for bugging him all night. ugh.
My son, if he's still alive, will be 29 this year. As I age, the fact that I lost a part of my our family haunts me. Every holiday gets harder. My adult daughters are so amazing. Seeing them turn out to be such great human beings makes me wonder if my son had a great life...a "better" life.
I read how younger first mothers hope that the longing, the sadness will get better...for me at least, it just gets harder.
I am lucky that I know where Kiddo is, I can't imagine not knowing. I did get a text from them this morning. Just a Merry Christmas but more contact than ever before.
I haven't heard from B since Sept even though I have been sending texts blah blah. So I sent a Merry Christmas text this morning and I got back a forward that I can't even open. UGH frustration there. Of course nothing from M, somethings don't change.
Christmas is WAY overdone Paige, sorry you had to go through dumbness.
I wish I could have been home, we got Dad and L (younger brother) a set of remote ontrol cars, one a police car for L and a car for dad. Mom moved the cars out of the garage and they were out there racing them at midnight. A ten dollar gift scores!
I'm sorry you had to deal with that Belle. It's always something at the holidays, it seems. If you FIL is so concerned about your screen door, might I suggest he fix it?? :evilgrin:
I'm glad you are feeling better today. I wish I could be with my son, too (even though he's grown). He turned 30 a few days ago, and that's been hard for me.
I almost suggested that and in my mind the suggestion included the f word a few times. J had to put a bandaid on my finger for me and he offered me one for my mouth he knew I was so mad haha.