Another possible troll...[url][/url]
I have a hard time believing one could adopt 5 children internationally in a 2 year time span but depending where she adopted from, special needs & if there are siblings involve, I guess it's "possible".
However, I really have a hard time believing that DCF would #1, consider placing a teen with a possible suspected sexual history with a family of 5 young children in any situation. #2 Unless one has a standing history with their local foster care system, it's not common to see a family with 7 children in the home considered for a foster adoption. #3 With her 6 year old son just home in the last year (putting up his first xmas tree), again, I just don't see DCF ever considering them.
I see trolls sigh.
I see trolls sigh.
Since we are seeing trolls everywhere, how about this one . . . .
That one is Sbaglio, I'd bet 100 bucks. VA ip & his partner works in VA. They live in MD.
I posted a snark so the troll will get the email response and then deleted the thread. Off to ban.
Trolls come in full force when we ban members...just happens for awhile after.
All I can say is WOW!!!!, Crick. Guess you did post a snark. Just about spit my mouthful of food.
All I can say is WOW!!!!, Crick. Guess you did post a snark. Just about spit my mouthful of food.
Here's where that 'like' button would come in handy ;)
LOL! I know...I decided I really wanted off the Troll Bridge today.
I knew I'd delete the thread so no one else would see it & sometimes it's just nice to be a smart aleck.
And yes...we need that like button Sarah!!!;)
I think more trolls come out after the Holidays. Seems like they didn't have much time for trolling during the last month, and they are trying to make up for it.