We received a phone call on Friday asking us if we'd be willing to take 2 small girls and we were thrilled. The caseworker called later that day and said one of the girls would be staying in the hospital over the weekend and she would call Monday morning with all of the details. I waited until about noon today (Monday) and then I called our resource worker and the caseworker. Our resource worker told me to leave the caseworker a message and said she would send an e-mail to find out what's going on. It's now 7pm and we haven't heard anything. Is this normal? For caseworkers to forget to call?
All thoughts greatly appreciated!! This will be our first placement...
Thanks for responding...I received a phone call this morning from another worker explaining what happened. I knew it could be a number of things, it's just the waiting and wondering that make me anxious! But I do understand that caseworkers are often overloaded and I imagine it must be pretty easy to forget to call!