Looking for any children born to Alma Doris Harris I am one of 13 kids born to her I know of 3 of us that were adopted I was fostered out. Any info would be great. My mom was 5 months pregnant with me when they were taken away and adopted. This was a child abuse case so I could understand not wanting to know but by some chance you are out there I would like to know who I am apart of. I am 36 have children and have no answer to give my kids when they ask about my family.
Have you signed up with the mutual consent registry in Texas? I have no idea how good they are or how many end up in matches but it is worth a shot and good to be registered just in case. [url=]Texas Adoption Laws[/url] You can go to the above link to read it all but you are included in the process detailed below. Further details can be found at the link below.[url=]Texas Vital Statistics – Central Adoption Registry[/url] Kind regards,Dickons
Mutual Access to Identifying InformationCitation: Fam. Code ǧ 162.407; 162.413; 162.414; 162.416The persons listed above may register with a mutual consent voluntary adoption registry. A registration remains in effect until the 99th anniversary of the date the registration is accepted unless a shorter period is specified by the applicant or the registration is withdrawn. A registrant may withdraw his or her registration in writing at any time. The applicant must participate in counseling for not less than 1 hour with a social worker or mental health professional with expertise in postadoption counseling before the release of confidential information.The administrator shall process each registration in an attempt to match the adoptee, the birth parents, and the birth siblings. The administrator shall determine that there is a match if the adult adoptee and the birth mother, father, or sibling has registered.When a match has been made, the administrator shall mail a written notice to each registrant: Informing the registrant that a match has been made Reminding the registrant that he or she may withdraw the registration before disclosures are made, if desired Notifying the registrant that before any identifying disclosures are made, he or she must sign a written consent and participate in counseling. Identifying information about a registrant shall be released without the registrant's having consented to disclosure after the match if the registrant is dead, his or her registration was valid at the time of death, and he or she had in writing specifically authorized the postdeath disclosure. Identifying information about a deceased birth parent may not be released until each surviving child is an adult or until each child's surviving parent or guardian consents in writing to the disclosure.