I met my birthmom 3 years ago. Things were great for a while, but things got tense. She just randomly started ignoring me for a month. Anyways, I've learned that she wants nothing to do with me, and for now that's fine with me.
My birthfather on the other hand, I have no clue who he is. My older sister (10 years older) remembers that his name is Scott. He may have worked at the hospital with my bmom, but I'm not sure.
I have my date of birth, and her name that was on my birth certificate. Not much to go by. Any ideas where to start?
As hard as it maybe I think the best place to start is to flat out ask her and then go from there. Let her know that in these days of social networking and techology that you will find out and that she owes it to you to tell you.
I may sound harsh with this but I feel that the cruelest thing for a bparent to do is to with hold this information once they are found.
This is from personal experience where I discovered who bmom was a few years after she passed away. All along she knew where I was and had ample opportunities to tell me she was bmom and who bdad was. She took these secrets to the grave with her. I knew bmom was selfish and manipulative because she was someone I knew and dealt with all my life but after finding out the truth it sealed the deal and I realized the depths of selfish and self centered she really was.
We all have a right to know our biological roots. I love my aparents like I could love no other parents and I am pro adoption. If I had never searched it would have been one thing, but knowing that such information was available weather I acted on it or not I believe I have a right to have known.
As it is now your bmom is ingoring you so how much worse could it be if you straight out asked her?