I'm waiting to adopt, so this is all hypothetical for us right now. I would like to learn some from people who are parents.
I am wondering about children with prenatal drug and alcohol exposures and how that has translated into their learning at school. Specifically, I would love first hand experiences, if your child was exposed to drugs/alcohol, what, if anything, are you seeing in their behavior, their school life, etc.? I have read more articles and books than I can count, I would just like to know what the real world is like.
I'd really appreciate knowing your experiences. Feel free to PM me if that is easier. Thank you for any help, advice or experiences.
A learning disability isn’t insurmountable. Remind yourself that everyone faces obstacles. It’s up to you as a parent to teach your child how to deal with those obstacles without becoming discouraged or overwhelmed. Don’t let the tests, school bureaucracy, and endless paperwork distracts you from what’s really important—giving your child plenty of emotional and moral support. Come and contact pocket full of feelings as it will Help Your Child Develop Emotional Literacy.
A learning disability isnt insurmountable. Remind yourself that everyone faces obstacles. ItҒs up to you as a parent to teach your child how to deal with those obstacles without becoming discouraged or overwhelmed. Dont let the tests, school bureaucracy, and endless paperwork distracts you from whatҒs really importantgiving your child plenty of emotional and moral support. Come and contact pocket full of feelings as it will Help Your Child Develop Emotional Literacy.