I don't know where to post this but I just need some thoughts and plenty of prayers. I recently found out that a child (which we had not contact with for various reasons) in my family has been abused in a horrific way for years. My parents had the child for a while and dropped the child off around the time the abuse started. The child has other siblings as well. My parents are going to try to get custody of the child and my husband and I want the other siblings because of the situation we think this will be best however we understand the state may see it differently. This has all recently happened but about 2 weeks before we found out about this situation we found out we had an approved home study!! (YAY!) My husband and I had the intent of adopting a child with special needs (specifically medical needs). The children we are looking at getting custody of will definately have plenty of needs. The irony of us going through this process and having this happen is pretty unbelievable but I'm so mad at the abuser. The abuser has hurt me in the past not physically or anything close to the child but took a relationship we had and destroyed it which has hurt plenty. And now I feel like I have the obligation to take the kids in, not just for the kids but there are plenty of other reasons I just feel like the chance of us adoption a medically fragile child is no longer going to be an option. Because this could be a kin adoption I don't think we will get our money back from the homestudy since we used a private agency thinking there would be no reason we wouldn't follow through. Yes the money is an issue but we also know we will find a way to get past it. The whole situation is just so depressing and overwhelming. I know I can help these kids but I just hope I can do it and not put any of my feelings into it. God has a different plan than I thought he had for me. Any body go through a situation similar? What was the outcome? The circumstances are just so crazy we know God was truly watching over all of us and I trust him so much but it doesn't take away the hurt.