If you have the time, please take the survey provided by the link below. I am a college student who could really use the help for my research project. Thank you!
Sorry, got to some of your questions, which do not seem to reflect a respectful attitude toward your subject or toward the use of the English language in an academic discipline.
Then I got to your abortion question and ceased to trust your motives.
If this is truly a college level academic research project, I would not have approved your design. As someone being asked to share sensitive personal data and opinion, I also would have liked the respect of having been offered an executive summary of your project, its intent and your operating assumptions.
I answered your survey, but you did not allow for certain, obvious answers so some of my answers were really not accurate-unless 90 percent of the survey was to smoke-screen for one theory? In this case, if you are researching adoption, you might have asked for help in the design and format of the survey. Any survey that forces inaccurate answers because there is no room for words is going to be statistically skewed. In my case there were more than one answer to quite a few questions-so you are stuck with how I feel today, pre-coffee! LLAWEN
I completed the survey, but I agree that some of the questions were poorly designed, and some of my answers are not strictly accurate. For instance, I would have to say that some of my feelings regarding adoption are AMBIVALENT, but definitely not INDIFFERENT.
A few open-ended questions would have helped your survey as well. Those can be hard to deal with if you have a large sample, but also provide more insight.
I was adopted and read the questions. However I have not answered as adoption is not as simple as a shopping survey format. I am sorry but I resented the question using the word weird.
Perhaps re think to gain useful information.