We are having our first home visit for our home study this week. Any advice or tips to help it go as well as possible? This has been a crazy fast journey so far (long story), as we are attempting to do the entire home study process in under three weeks. So I have been living and breathing phone calls and paperwork this past week and have hardly had a chance to even think about the home visit. Now that we got the bulk of the paperwork out of the way, I'm trying to make sure our home is ready to make a good first impression!
You will be fine. Be yourself. Not sure if you are required to 'baby proof' at interview? We did anyway, and glad we had thought ahead. Fire extinguisher in kitchen, carbon dioxide detectors, smoke detectors, baby gate by stairs and clips on pantry cupboards. it 's stressful enough as you are putting pressure on yourself. So, stay calm and breathe. They are not there to judge you :-)
Good luck!
I know this is not what you asked about, but I couldn't help noticing that your username is HoustonTexas. Are you currently in Houston? I'm currently searching for an adoption agency. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks for any help you can give me :). Best of luck with your home study!
You will be fine. Be yourself. Not sure if you are required to 'baby proof' at interview? We did anyway, and glad we had thought ahead. Fire extinguisher in kitchen, carbon dioxide detectors, smoke detectors, baby gate by stairs and clips on pantry cupboards. it 's stressful enough as you are putting pressure on yourself. So, stay calm and breathe. They are not there to judge you :-)
Good luck!
HoustonTexas, your encouragement was so sweet! I'm currently exploring different agencies in Houston. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks for any help you can offer. :)
Good luck with your homestudy! Just double check fire extinguishers and smoke detectors need to be outside of bedrooms! Our home study, did an interview together as a couple and then another seperately. If there is an area that you are not on the same page with - it is time to have the heart to heart so you don't appear too dis-combulated during the interviews. Also, rather small - our sw asked us the ages of people, etc. I know birthdates but maybe the not the exact ages of my immediate family members so if you neeed to jot those down, that would be something. Also, the sw can be good advice, you may wish to jot down some questions like agencies she has worked with, has she noticed trends with certain agencies, etc. Our social worker was a great unfiltered resource when we had her in our home with a bottle of water, just chatting after the home study process Q & A was over.
Houston - I was looking at the dates on your post and noticed your home study and date place with birthmother were only about 6 mo apart. Any advice and are you doing domestic or international and around what age? Sorry so many questions just getting started in the process and getting information!!!