Hi! I am new to this forum, and to international adoption. We have been researching countries for quite some time. We are considering Poland...any info on the best agencies, and about adoption from Poland in general would be very much appreciated. Please feel free to message me with as much info as possible:)
We are in the beginning of looking into adoption and have considered Poland. If you have any advice on what to do, or who to go with, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE message me. I appreciate it! Thanks! :love:
I would love any information or experiences on adoption in Poland as well. We haven't decided on a country and are just gathering information so far.
Thanks so much!
Just returned home from Poland July 30. Total time from starting homestudy to bringing our son home -- 8 months. You can see my blog. I highly (!) recommend our agency. You can also research any accredited international agency on COA (adoption monitoring and oversight) for substantiated complaints (meaning complaints investigated and determined to be supported by evidence of wrong doing) and any adverse actions taken, here: [url][/url]
Also check the State Deapartments sight periodically for notices of any current suspensions as the above report was only updated in 9/2012.
Good Luck.
Thanks for the reply. I just have one question. I have read online that in order to adopt from Poland you need to have Polish heritage. I do have some Polish in me, but I am by no means full Polish. Just curious if you found this to be true or a factor in the adoption.
Your son is so cute! He looks really happy. People can be so awful. It isn't in the same obvious way, but I have a 4 year old daughter who was very premature and she has hydrocephalus. She had a big head and was super super tiny when she was a baby, she has a shunt now and had grown into her head. People would always comment on her, it was SO annoying. I would get so flipping mad. Good luck!
We have no Polish heritage. There is no requirement for adoptive parents to have Polish heritage--on the State Dept website ([url=]POLAND | Intercountry Adoption[/url]) or anywhere else. Perhaps an agency has their own preference. I am of Irish/Scot/German descent and my husband has US/GB dual citizenship. We do not speak Polish.
Where did you read that you have to have Polish heritage? That is simply not true. Many people with Polish heritage do adopt from Poland so maybe that is where the misunderstanding comes from. Polish heritage might help if you are seeking a young child with no special needs but as our in-country rep explained to us, that will mean nothing as to priority if you don't also speak Polish. She told us that she has had American families in the past who think that their Polish heritage should shorten their wait or give them priority even if they don't speak Polish and the fact is that the Polish government does not care if your parents (etc) were from Poland if you don't speak Polish. The Polish government has already decided that the kids available for international adoption (and these are kids for whom they could find no families in Poland) can go to non-Polish families. They consider the ability of parents to speak Polish to be an asset for the child and will therefore give those families priority.
If you are open to special needs there will be absolutely no issue of heritage or language. In fact many other requirements are relaxed for these kids.
Thanks for the kind words about our son! He is pretty awesome and is developmentally on target except for speech. Good luck on your adoption. Keep us updated!