Hey all,
First time poster here. I was hoping someone might be willing to help me. My wife and I are looking into starting the adoption process. We have been worried about the background check.
Here's the thing, my wife worked as a MR/DD worker and was given a neglect thingy. She wasn't convicted in a court or didn't commit a crime but we are under the impression she was placed on the adult abuse and neglect central registry for Kansas. What happened was she got permission from the parent of a MR/DD patient to use his library card since we were new to the area and didn't have an address yet. Later she got into a bad car accident with the MR/DD person and was thus quietly let go from her job. She was injured and wasn't able to get the library book back in time before it incurred a charge. Once we knew this, we returned the book, payed the fine and thought it over. The parents reported her and never mentioned the fact that they gave her permission. It has been 4 years now and we have tryed to appeal twice with no success. They really do not care what we say at this point. Is there any hope of adoption for us since this is a Kansas state central registry only and was never formally charged with anything? Any help would be much appreciated.