I'm new - posting for the first time(s) tonight. We've been fp's for about 6, maybe it's 7, mos. We currently have a sibling group 4 (full), 2 (half), 1 (full). The biodad of the oldest and youngest has requested to tpr. The biomom doesn't want them either other than to use them against biodad (they are her form of control - family has told me.) Anyway, neither parents want the children, but the grandparents do. But, they don't really. They had an opportunity to take them before they came to me, DHS had moved the parents in with each of them at different points in time, but the grandparents refused sole custody because they didn't want to care for the children. Now, they are pushing the parents to keep them - they are carting them to the visits, making them stay the whole hour, etc. The father hasn't shown for one, and that's fine b/c the girls are TERRIFIED of him. His name make them physically shake.
Anyway, do any of you have encouragement or advise for me? The GAL told me the other day that if it weren't for the gparents, tpr would have already been started b/c both parents had requested it at one point or another. But, like I said the grandparents refused to take the children in the beginning. (When SW called me about the placement, she told me that they may come into custody, but they were going to try to talk the grandparents into taking them first.) The middle girl has a different father, and his mother has pretty much adopted us. We visit her regularly, and she is a lovely lady. She doesn't have the time to devote to a 2yo, she just wants a relationship with her, and that is fine with me.
We were in the same position as you a year ago. God I dont miss that. In our case, bio-mom had gone to ONE visit, and bio grandma went to the rest. She had been pushing her daughter to go to visits to "try to keep these." She didn't. When it comes down it, the bio's have to do so much more than just "show up." There are programs they have to be involved in if there is any substance abuse, they have to provide shelter on their own, etc... While I would stay cautioned till the very end, do not lose hope. Don't do what I did and just "wait for the day to come that the kids leave" - enjoy it all.. really. I feel like the first year we were so wrapped up in keeping them safe, that I forgot to enjoy them.
The only other thing I would suggest is go to court every time they go over the case. While you may not be able to speak, and you are definitely NOT a party to the case- chances are bio's arent showing. You can make it known to the judge that you are there, and what you are willing to do - ie, adopt.
Thank you for the advice! We had the 6 mo review hearing last week, and will not go back until December. Both fathers are out of the picture now, but gran just keeps dragging mom alone (she's due with #4, a boy, next month.) Dad #2 told me after court that he wanted us to adopt his child, but he isn't brave enough to say that in court. I feel like the next step is TPR, because - even though she's showing up - the visits are traumatizing for the kids (just with what is said in front of them, etc.) We have been asked by both the SW and GAL if we are willing to adopt.
Dad #2's mom is also pushing for the children to stay with us. She's a very responsible - normal - lady whose son got mixed up with the wrong crowd (or is the leader of the wrong crowd.) She's pretty much adopted my husband and I, and has told DHS that if the children go back to the mother, she will sue to get custody of her grandchild (thus, splitting the siblings.) But, the mother and her mother have been so ugly to the DHS workers that pretty much everyone is tired of dealing with them. They are exhausting people.
So, things are looking good! And it's looking like noone will that $10,000 in Earned Income Credit the two families (mom and dad's) fight over every year, and apparently gma lost her casino fund (boat money) when the mother stopped getting child support checks. (I got that info from Dad #2)
We're just keeping fingers crossed and prayers high! :)