I was born in Fayetteville, NC on February 15, 1975, I was 2 months premature and weighed 2lb, 8oz. I spent a few months in Duke Memorial Hospital in NICU and was released to a foster family where I stayed a few months before being placed with my adoptive family.
I found the Cumberland County Birth Index and found myself listed (based on the low weight it was pretty easy) and it says I was actually born in Fayetteville.
I have contacted the state and I was adopted through Cumberland County Social Services.
I have some hand written notes of non-identifying information that my birth parents were provided with ages, hair color, eye color, some information on siblings and grandparents, as well as school level information.
I recently did a DNA Beta on and had a close family-first cousin match come up. I am pretty sure after looking around that I may have found my paternal aunt and have an idea of who my father is based on the birth year provided. I have not contacted them yet because I am not 100 percent sure yet.
I do have a few questions though. Is it worth sending out for non identifying information or would I just get the same information I already have? Also, they don't seem to have any special forms to request or provide what information I need to prove that I am who I say I am.
Also, does anyone know how to find out where Social Services published their legal notices for adoption in 1975 and if there is a way to search them online?
Also when during the process would a legal notice be published? I am hoping to find a way to search these for any clues.
I have signed up for and put my information in most of the search websites for years, without much luck.
I would like to know about my family, but in the least I would like to get access to my hospital records. That is a significant event in someones medical history to be in NICU for a few months after birth, but to not be able to have access to it is a crime. I should be allowed to have my own medical records, but with no way to prove who I am I cannot even request them.
I cannot afford the new intermediary that the state has opened and from what I understand there is a long waiting list.
Are there volunteer intermediaries? Or do you still have to pay the state the $300 or whatever it may be now.
Anyways, sorry for the long winded post, I would appreciate any help.
I have a bit of social anxiety and would prefer to talk through the forums or email, but if there is anyone out there who can help me I would appreciate it.
You can contact me here or at