My mother was born Nov. 22nd, 1964. University Hospital in Lexington, KY. Birth mother unknown. My mom was adopted by Robin Lynch.
Record of Birth says Daborah Ann Lynch. I don't know her real birth name. She never talked about it. She passed in Bowling Green KY Jan. 30th, 2005. And her adoptive mother, Robin recently passed. They never gave me any details other then her biological mom went to UK and was in Band, and that the father wasnt willing to marry. He may have been a pilot?
My name is Katie, my mother Deborah Ann Hillard. Married Anthony Hillard in 83. Military Family. I believe my mom got a phone call while we lived in SC from her biological mother, but like I said, I have only this little information to go off of! Any info, or help will be GREATLY APPRECIATED. My daughters and I want to meet you! :thanks: