We adopted our DD, H, last December. She was 6 at that time.At that time there were rumors that her birth mother was expecting again. I know that birth mom is currently incarcerated, thanks to public court records. How do we find out if that baby, sibling is in the system or not. I do not think we want to adopt again as H was our 5th child and we're not getting any younger, but if a biological sibling of H's came into the system I would want to be notified and considered as a placement option. Any advice?
If you had a good working relationshp with your social worker, give her a call & ask. Ask if she has heard anything and ask how you would find out.
They are required by law to seek and notify family, including the aparents of any bio sibling. But they don't always. When our son's brother (P) went into foster care no one called us. When we found out five months later, we called and requested visits. DCF argued with us for several weeks before I finally convinced them to connect me with P's foster mom.
It was worth the fight. We did not request that P move to our home, but instead focused on building a relationship with P and his foster mom.
It is now two years later and we have a great family relationship. P will be adopted by his fmom next year. We get together as often as our schedules allow. We help each other out with babysitting. We have play dates and spend holidays together. We do joint visits with bmom.
You don't have to adopt every bsibling. You can make positive & lifelong connections between bsibs even if they don't live in the same house.
Good luck on your journey.
My hubby and I are in the same boat w/ you. We actually had that happen to us in July. We adopted three girls in Nov 2011, bio mom had a baby in July. We got a call from our girls GAL who has been on the case since the beginning. She called us and asked if we would want to have him placed w/us. But we had recently moved to a new state. Which made it a little harder, baby was placed in another foster home until could finish our FP licensing in our new state and county and Thursday baby came to live with us from the other state.
So stay in touch w/ your workers and other people involved w/ your case.