Wait, back up a few posts. I want a granny-nanny! How do you get one of those? LOL Good luck with your meeting tomorrow. How exciting. I'm so glad there are people like you who can take on these larger sibling groups. If only we had the space I'd be begging the hubby. I'm lucky he let me put in for two. LOL
First visit with the kids was awesome!!! Ready for our second visit. If all goes well they will be with us for good by Christmas!! So excited!!
Oh wow! That was fast!!! Congratulations:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
How many boys/girls?
I just wanted to update this post.
We didn't think we were still up for this sibling group as a family member came forward the end of October but low and behold, they were disqualified.
We have our first visit with our hopeful future kiddos tomorrow. I am so excited and nervous. Thank you again to everyone for the advice. Wish us luck!
Want2bamom whatever happened to you meeting the sib set? Did things go well?
I just wanted to update this post.
We didn't think we were still up for this sibling group as a family member came forward the end of October but low and behold, they were disqualified.
We have our first visit with our hopeful future kiddos tomorrow. I am so excited and nervous. Thank you again to everyone for the advice. Wish us luck!
Want2bamom whatever happened to you meeting the sib set? Did things go well?
What fun! I, too, am curious to see where you're at with these kids. 6 would be a blast at times & overwhelming at times, but sounds more like a blast to me. :)
We are sibling groups up to 5. Right now we have a set of 2, which I a little light to me. ;)
I have to add to the cautions from other posters who pointed out how different caring for hurt kids is compared to bio kids who have suffered little/no trauma. I'm a teacher with many years of experience working with young children of all backgrounds. Becoming a foster parent of two was FAR more exhausting. If you don't have experience with kids in foster care, I'd strongly encourage you to get some before adopting, especially a large sibling group.
Sorry to be a "Debbie Downer". I admire your heart for kids and your courage. Keep us posted!
There are 3 boys and 3 girls. We have our second visit this Friday. Everything is moving along great. I have already finished Christmas shopping for them. As you can tell, I am very excited and I am a big kid around the holidays.
However, I am trying to be reserved when they first come as I don't want to overwhelm them. I know holidays can be hard on the kids.
We have 24 days until they come to be with us for good, I will keep you guys posted.:cheer:
We had our second visit Friday with the kids. We are 3 hours away and we made it 30 mins late (very bad accident on the freeway), so we only got to spend an hour with them. The visit was great just too short.
I also found out they will not do the placement until after Christmas. I am sad, and a little upset, but I understand why. It is always about what is best for the kids first and foremost.
So now I am filling my days with getting info for school, finding doctors, etc. I have to stay busy or I will go nuts. Very much looking forward to our overnight on the 14th!!! :D