Hello, I am Rachel. My husband and I have decided to start the adoption process. I contacted a social worker in my county who suggested we go for foster care and adopt from there.
We are actually wanting a sibling group of four and want to be approved in our homestudy. We have a decent size house and we have two bio children. What do they look for in the homestudies? We have a very large basement that our church has offered to help us fix up and If we could start doing that if that is necessary that would be great! I really appreciate any help we can get! Thank you very much!
I seem to remember that no one can have a bedroom in the basement as well. Better check on that before you put bedrooms down there.
thank you for your responses. Our basement is only half under the ground and the other half has a sliding door and windows. Where would I find the laws on this?
You may put a bedroom in the basement as long as the bedroom has a window. Actually, that rule applies to any floor of your home. I'll just pm you.
Our homestudy was really simple. She was there for about 30 minutes both times. Fire ext, smoke detect on all floors, proof of city water or well water testing, medical screenings, backgrounds checks, vet checks and shots on all pets, beds and dressers for the number of children you are wanting. We had to have locks on our cleaning supplies because we had a 0-8 age range.
The limit on children in Indiana is 5 to include bio's without a waiver.
We are from Indiana. We had to take required adoption classes along with our foster care training. Our foster care case manager has just updated our homestudy for adoption. Our adoption homestudy will then have to be accepted through the SNAP program in order for us to be able to adopt or so we were told. Our foster care case manager is presenting our homestudy to SNAP on October 29. We should know that day whether our homestudy was accepted by SNAP or not.