Alex has been with us over 6 months now. He has never been taken care of by anyone other that myself/my husband or mu daughters. I am leaving him for a couple of hours this morning with a friend so I can get some christmas shopping done. He knows her, she had 3 adopted children from Russia herself (all older) and she is one of only a couple of people I woud trust to take care of him. But I am stressed leaving him. I hope he is good for her and I will admit it......Mama has separation anxiety here!!!! Even when my husband has kept him, I have only been gone very briefly to run to the store or barn.
From all your posts over the past 6 months, its pretty clear he is attached to you!!! I'm sure he'll be fine w/your friend & it'll be good for him to realize you will be back when you're done. So try to relax & enjoy your alone time. I may just be the opposite of you, because I am SO ready to get away for a while & decompress! I haven't left her for more than a few hours yet & those times have been while she was napping w/daddy in the house & I've had to run a few errands or get my hair done. I don't even think she knew I was gone...haha This Sunday I am taking a ME day...mani/pedi, coffee shop, dinner w/my girls & a movie (Twilight). Yes, I know, pathetic, but I just have to watch the last one after all this time.
Hope you have a relaxing day...I'll be thinking of you, jealous of course because Mila & I have to hit the mall this morning & have her xmas stocking embroidered. At least they have a nice big baby play area, so if all goes well, we'll spend a little time there too letting her crawl around w/other kids.