I just tell "little" stories whenever I think of it. Like how my kids got their names or how old they were when I first met them. I never met their birthmom but I think about her often - and I just share my thoughts out loud. Any number of things can trigger a memory for me and I just talk about that when it happens. As the kids have gotten older, they've asked questions that lead to longer conversations. The topic probably comes up one way or another every couple of weeks now and my kids are 6, 5, and 5. Kids just LOVE hearing stories about themselves. My DD is more interested in her adoption lately and will ask me questions out of the blue. I'm happy she considers it a topic that's perpetually open for discussion. That's what I was aiming for. My kids could have told you they were adopted long before they had any idea what that meant so I do think it's a great idea to start telling infants their story. It soaks in bit by bit.
Best wishes :)
Absolutely the best way to go about it...
Mom and dad always were open and told my story about how they came to adopt me because of XYZ.
Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy and EARLY like just repeating I'm so glad we adopted you and stories like jalapeno does. Honesty and the real reasons in my opinion is the only way...of course common sense applies in age appropriate details which must to be included as a disclaimer here...
If you don't do it before baby is old enough to comprehend and you are comfortable - you may end up having it too hard or not the right time and being like the parents of a brand new poster - she just found out looking while trying to find papers for college...
Kind regards,