He has been on it since Labor Day. We tried a half a pill and it did not help. We went to whole pill and then he got sick so it was making him really sleepy. We have worked back up to a whole pill and now he is having okay days. He gets up to two "timeouts" at school before he gets his rewards taken away. He has been at two everyday for a week. He is five and know that he doesn't get to play the wii when he gets home if he gets 3 or more. So that combined with respirdol and the rewards we are okay, but boy is he learning. This is the same child that was delayed a whole year when he came to live with us and now he is completely and utterly average and I AM SO PROUD.
My son takes intuniv. It took him a couple of days to adjust to it. Now after a week I can say he is no longer extremely sleepy and has had a smiling face every day at school. I am noticing it really helps with the aggressive behavior and kind of takes the "edge" off. He seems like he has time to stop and think before throwing a fit before any kind of transition. And best of all, he is still himself. We take 1mg after dinner and it lasts 20-24 hours.
Respirdone is the same as respirdal and we used it to help with sensory and mood issues. He had some obsessive behaviors and would not let us hold him, cuddle him, etc. He would also obsess about being dirty and having things just right. The respirdone completely took care of that and since we took him off of that, he still is doing fine. He is now taking 1.0 of Intuniv and he is still way to hyper at school. The guafacine worked but I think that the doctor didn't like that because it made him more sleepier than usual. We are going to have to figure something else out but I can't decide how much longer we should wait.He just really needs something to calm down.
My son has been on Intuniv for about 2 or 3 months It definitely slows down the hyperactivity, giving him time to think . . . BUT, I have noticed an increase in defiance and irritability. We have been butting heads big time. I am trying to work with it by changing some behaviors rather than trying another drug at this time. 1mg wore off for him in about 8 hrs so now he takes one about 8am and another at 3pm to get us through at home, otherwise he was still bouncing off the walls at home. I googled and found some horror stories as well as general input on Circle of Moms. Also for those in the trenches is a FB page "Easy to Love, Hard to Raise" (ETL) I highly recommend it for support and information, very active as well.