I'm newbie here and may be wrong to post this thread here.My daughter is new to competitive swimming.She had been wearing women's goggles over the summer for lessons and summer league. Now that her time in the pool and speed have increased she is having more problems with leaking or just plain coming off. The potential risks include the risk that the contact lenses can be rinsed out of the water when swimming. Particularly rigid contact lenses that are slightly smaller than soft lenses can go so easily lost while swimming.A simple solution is swimming goggles.
Can anyone tell/suggest best swimming goggles...???
LOL! When I saw the title of this thread I totally thought it was Baby Goggles as in a new slang term (like beer goggles) where you were looking at life or something with a slant towards having a baby or becoming a new Mom.
Anyway- yes, my sons are competitve swimmers and have been swimming for over 11 years (joined swim team at age of 4). I know goggles. They make kid goggles. Speedo makes all sizes; kids, junior and adult. You can change the nose piece too, to fit your face. Speedo is probably the most common and I'm sure that is what you have. My 7 year old wears them. Just make them tight. Many of my son's friends swim with contacts and you just have to make sure you get good snug goggles. I have to say, after all these years I have spent more $$$ on goggles than anything. Good luck.