My username here is Kerbchek, and I have been around for nearly a decade. I used to post all the time, but haven't much lately. i have adopted two children and used to be a foster parent.
I am now studying at the University of Iowa to become a mental health therapist specializing in developmental trauma and foster care/adoption related issues. In one of my courses, I need to conduct a research survey. I need at least 50 people to take this survey. It is a bit lengthy, but should only take 10 minutes or less... I would REALLY APPRECIATE if you took the time to fill out my survey on line.
All responses will be totally anonymous and confidential. The data will only be seen my me and my instructor. Nothing will be professionally published using the data I collect as it is simply being used for a course related research project. I have already learned a lot preparing this survey, and analyzing this data will help direct further reading for me... I just want to be the best darned therapist I can, and there seems to be a need for more therapists who are wanting to work with foster and adoptive families. ... so, THANK YOU VERY MUCH should you chose to help me out ! ! ! ! ! ! !:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
I have attached the link below.
Thank You, yes, it was a challenge... There were a lot of requirements that really limited what I could do... I had to use previously used and extensively tested survey questions... so, I technically didn't make any of it up myself... but had to chose surveys that have already been used and accepted as valid... luckily I'm not going to become a professional researcher... but I do appreciate you and everybody who helped me get the 50 responses I needed so I can begin the data crunching... so far, I just need FIVE more people to take the survey and I'll have the minimum number required. THANKS
I took the survey, but I suspect you won't find many of my answers all that useful, because the framing of the questions was so absolute. There's no way for someone to identify shades of experience here - for example, instead of "strongly agree, strongly disagree" many surveys take statements of fact and offer the choices "sometimes/never/often" - this would be a lot more useful than the framing. I found myself often marking "neither agree or nor disagree" because the structure of the questions really didn't allow for a useful answer. Constructing research questions is something of an art, of course, but my suggestion would be that you'd get better answers about factual experiences if you allowed people to articulate how often a particular thing is true rather than gauging the strength of their agreement.