Well we had court. Apparently there was some big pow wow before we weren't invited too. Our attorney did try to speak up for us and say the court reports appeared very one sided and she said she put it in so many words it was pretty obvious that integration wasnt really the goal and no one said anything. She also told the GAL that when the foster family is talking to our daughter about college etc they don't appear to be supporting the reintegration plan.
We were surprised because 6 months is the standard to review a case and her GAL asked for 60 to 90 days So we go back to court April 10. The worker did not come check our home as requested. Did not have a face to face with my husband either.
My poor husband is very upset. Says he feels like he wasn't a good enough dad to provide her with a home she could stay in. I guess I was the one who was her target so I am more jaded. We are cutting back our visits to twice a month. Our worker WAS not put on the stand like she said she would be so the negative report court is all they heard.
Apparently the foster dad took her around to see all her friends etc after court. I talked to a mom and one of my friends saw her in a convenience store 2 hours after court was done.
Good news is no support. Our state considers it an adoption disruption and they don't go after it in these cases. I just don't understand how she can walk away from her entire family so easily. Does she really hate me so much or is it just selfish? When it goes OPPLA I will no do visits, I think my husband has changed his mind. I wonder how this is going to effect our marriage as well.
I am so sorry for the pain and heartache that you feel. I am so sorry that you are going through this. There are no words.....just big hugs and our shoulders.
I am so very sorry. there are no words.
I doubt it is hate or selfishness. just an inability to function in a normal family.
you have done all that you knew how to do. (((sassafras)))
Sass - I've been following your story and my heart breaks for your family. All of you will be in my prayers. I'm so sorry your family is having to endure all of this.
I think it is a mix between selfishness and fooling herself. It looks like she has convinced herself that nothing that happened was her fault, so she thinks a new family, home, etc. is going to make her life all sunshine and lollipops.
I'm glad you will no longer have to worry about child support. As for your DH, maybe you can plan some date nights and make it a rule not to talk about kids for the duration of the dates...
So we work out the visits and I blasted our worker for not letting us know if she was coming to the house or not and why did my kids have to have a background check but the foster dad could take my daughter around to houses that didn't been checked and people that had not had background checks.
So I get an email from her supervisor tellling me to direct all concerns about my daughters care or the foster family to her as our worker has nothing to do with them? BS she told us she was still ""training"" them at one point. And now the case manager is supervising our next ""visit"" guess she is sick of us. Not used to people calling her on her crapl.
Doubt it. I think she is sick of dealing with me because I call her on her crap and most people with kids in foster care don't call them on her crap.