We finished our classes before Christmas. Last visit was Christmas Eve, Eve. At that visit, we were told we could come sign the final paperwork and then would be licensed 4 days later. We told her we couldn't accept placements till January 10 so it was no hurry. MISTAKE. Our homestudy was finally ready to sign Sunday January 13. She said it would be signed by the supervisor and we would be active within the week. And then I don't hear anything. So this sunday, I email her and nicely ask if the supervisor has signed and we are active and include the right amount of small talk. I hear NOTHING. So the big question is, when do I email her back and ask what the status is. I am considering emailing her today and saying something like "You can't not respond to my emails! We are all waiting on pins and needles over here!"
In all honestly, we are excited and a bit worried the homestudy won't be approved (we have a prior CPS investigation on our record as unfounded). But the basic truth is that I am seriously losing sleep worrying that there are babies lying in the hospital or in the shelter that need a family and we are basically waiting on a signature.
So the big question, when do I follow up?
Some respond better to email, some better to phone. I find email response time is better at my agency.
I would email again tomorrow and if you don't hear something back Friday, then call.
I ended up emailing again. That is her preferred method of communication. She said the supervisor still has not reviewed our homestudy. My worker does not work a normal monday through Firday schedule, so it is impossible to figure out when her holidays are. I have no idea when the supervisor works but I know it is not the exact same set of hours. I just feel a little annoyed that we have dropped everything to sign stuff and get stuff done for them and now we are just sitting here waiting for them to add one signature to the document. My lesson here is that I will not drop everything for them again. I should also point out that while it was a tad annoying to not hear back, I think Raven might be right about the holidays. In general, our licensing worker has been really on top of things and super professional. Way better than I was expecting.
So the obsessive part of me is now trying to figure out where we are in the supervisors pile. The longer we go, do we get further down in the in box? I really hope I don't have to figure out how to nicely follow up to get the supervisor moving! And then I wonder if this whole thing is a test to see if I really can "work nicely with DFS"
I had to wait since the week of Thanksgiving and just received out copy of the homestudy yesterday. I was told it had gone out Jan. 11th to the state but both signatures were 1/14 and supervisor 1/16. Makes me fuming mad that we have been stalking the mail carrier every day thinking they lost something and here it was the county all along.
For those waiting on pins and needles. . . still waiting. All we are waiting for is the licensing worker's supervisor to sign off on the homestudy. She is in the same office as the worker. Same office where we signed it. We are at 2 weeks from when we signed it and our licensing worker signed it. Frustrating!!!
Well I am pretty excited that in 3 days it will have been a month that we have been waiting for our homestudy to be signed by the worker's supervisor. I am completely not impressed. I try to remind myself that maybe there are kids being abused who need her attention more than our homestudy needs the 10 minutes necessary for one more read and signature. (Unfortunately, I don't think that is true because I am pretty sure this supervisor only deals with licensing.) And, they are having the meeting to choose a family on a 9 year old that we would like to be considered for the first week of February. We can't even ask more questions about him without approval of our homestudy. Oh well. There must be a better family for him, since they don't even need to consider us. Blah. Feeling down about this whole process.
Hubby and I are in the same boat! We have been waiting for a month as well for the supervisors signature. What also sucks for us is that it's not over at that point. It still has to go to a private company our agency pays to review their paperwork and make sure everything is in order. Once they make any needed edits, it goes to the state and then we have to wait for them. Ahhhhhhh! I hate the wait. I will keep my fingers crossed for a quick reply for all of us.
My husband and I finished mapp first week of April, and waited 6 months for our home study to b finished. It was crazyyyyy! Our sw didn't always call us back, and when she did, she said she was "still working on it". Then, when we read the finished product, our names were wrong throughout most of it. We had to correct half of it before signing it. So, hang in there! It was a long wait, but has been worth it.
Do a little research to find the supervisors name. Call her, it will probably be a message, make it as NICE and SWEET as possible, no frustration or anger in your voice at all. "Hi Supervisor lady, this is BestMomEver, I just wanted to see if you had any questions on our home study that I can help answer. I really appreciate this, we are so excited about this step our lives, hopefully I will be able to meet you one day while I am in the office. If I can answer any questions on it call me at 555-555-5555, thanks, have a great day!!!"
Remember, NO sarcasm, kill them with kindness, works every time, I get customers fusing me out to switching to spending more money using this method!
Good Luck!
Finally heard back. The supervisor rejected it because DH had a (not violent, non kid related) misdemeanor 17 years ago that we listed on our application. Even though it did not come up in the background check, they are demanding a copy of the disposition. It better not cost anything to get a copy because I swore I was not spending another dime on anything for getting licensed until we had the license in hand.
And thanks for the advice, but I can't call them. I won't be able to be nice. I am too fed up. The good news is, that we are fully indoctrinated now. I will not be bending at all for CPS when they finally place children with us.
I am sorry, Bestmom!! How annoying. You do the right thing, then they sit on it forever. I hope you are able to get the disposition quickly and free! I hope this doesn't hold you up too much longer.
It turns out that it got flagged in an audit and it got flagged on everyone in the same situation. Not just us. After spending a day on the phone, i turns out that what we thought was a misdemeanor was actual just a moving voilation. Which would be awesome except it IS a misdemeanor in our state. So there is no disposition (or even a record) in the state of the ticket 17 years ago but our state is insisting on having one. Should be fun times trying to straighten this one out!
I hate the state! It took a few days to get my dads disposition, should have taken weeks but I'm a pit bull when "I" can actually do something. Then they didn't send the last page that had the final outcome. So now the background check lady has had the last page for over two weeks!:grr: and still no word, I mean how can you not open at least 4 emails that the agency has sent. I would call directly but I did that before and she chewed out my agency for it and I don't want to tick them off before even getting approved. Well this turned into a little bit of a rant but I just wanted to share that you are not alone dealing with the state.