I was going to askt his in my other thread but it's really just a question of curiosity on my end, from a situation on the adoptuskids 2 hour video.
There's a family that adopts a teenage girl who had a child of her own on the video. I'm just curious how that works. I imagine it's not *too* common but one never knows; maybe someone else will need the answer, too.)
How does it work when you foster/adopt a teen with her own child like the one family did, where the girl is thankful because they'd have been split apart otherwise? Obviously the teen birth mother needs a lot of encouragement to parent her own child; do the same requirements apply as for siblings so they need separate rooms if different genders,/babies can't sleep with the mom past a year (well, if different genders in that case; it wouldn't matter if it's a teen mom with a girl.) Do the foster parents get help with both? Does the girl get help? If pregnant, is there help for the mom - well, I guess it'd be Medicare, huh? - for all her pregnancy screenings a pre-natal tests? Does the social worker need a machete to cut through the confusion and red tape of a foster child hving a biolgogical child she's parenting, or what? :-)
I saw that, too & it inspired me to try for a pregnant teen to keep them from dealing with being seperated. My resource worker told me flat out that they do not do that here. In our area once they become pregnant they do not go up for adoption.