Hmm...not buying it, so please watch.
Her story sounds like a boatload of you-know-what. Sorry, guess I'm just being cynical this morning. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes for members to call her on it and eventually report one of her posts for being rude because she doesn't like being called out.
It makes no sense for a paraplegic to move to another country. Most are not wheelchair friendly.
I know, right? Especially as a quad which with my limited knowledge would assume that might likely mean breathing equipment etc. too?
Ya, I just don't buy it.
Now, play nice... she didn't say b dad's been a quadriplegic the whole 17 years!
I can't wait to read her next "explanation" because this IS all about her and her feelings.
No, Kath, but she did say Mom hoped Dad would croak by now and they wouldn't be married that long....;)
Deb, and I'm dating the Calvin Klein underwear model.:P:
If you are going to make something true because it is on the internet, at least make it about chocolate and wine, :p
I bet he can't load a dishwasher to save his life and leaves his dirty socks on the bathroom floor.
I don't read Romance novels, but this sounds like it was lifted word for word from some trashy novel:
"As I was in a sea of flowers with my bridal party, trying to get everything together for this big wedding (I did everything myself). I looked up at the clock and knew I could not make this lunch"
A sea of flowers? Really? I can't even.