How do you guys get paid for respite? Does it come through with your board for that month or does the FP get paid & they pay you back? Last weekend I did respite for a sib group of 2 & it was the first & possible last time of doing respite for kiddos I don't know.
For us, our agency pays the respite shortly after respite is completed. On days we send kiddoes, we get half payment(perdiem) and the respite gets the full day. Same for return day, respite gets half day pay and I get the full.
The main foster parents pay it directly to the respite family here. They can do it at the time or wait until after they get their monthly check as long as the foster parents work that out between themselves. I think that's a real deterrent for using respite, honestly.
Here my agency send a check at the end of the month to the respite provider. Foster parents don't get paid for nights they sleep at other homes. We are encouraged to only go through the agency to schedule respite and not figure it put between us.
I have learned to open my mouth and ask the fp's if they are paying me or the agency. I've had times where the parent was supposed to pay me half of the days b/c they only had so many days left of respite, I've had a FP forget to pay me a day.
The last time I used respite I told the FD our agency would be paying them b/c we have respite hours. It's common courtesy to tell them up front rather than to keep them wondering.
My first respite placement was a sib set of 3. They stayed with us 2 weeks. We got paid from our agency with our regular stipend check. When we did short term, 2 or 3 days, the other parents paid us directly.
I am still trying to figure that out. I've only done respite once and it was earlier this month. I'm with an agency and I did respite for another family within our agency. I'm assuming it should be with the stipend check we receive. I hope so anyway.
We get it with the next month's stipend check. The foster parents don't get any less for their kids being on respite (I think there is a certain number of days we are allowed per year). One child I did have to email my agency because I didn't get it, and it took a few months but it did finally come. The other time it was just on my check the next month. We've used respite one time, and I asked the respite foster parents if they got it because it was 2 kids for a week (so it added up) and I wanted to be sure they go it (they did). Plus nothing came out of my check for that week (which I thought it would have).
where i'm at the foster parent work it out between themselves and we don't have to fill out any paperwork etc. i'm doing regular respite right now off and on for a lil girl and they just pay me when they get their check for the month.
I don't know the other FP but she seems a little off, maybe a possible professional FP b/c kids came with stained and torn at the knees clothing. I didn't even think to ask her when I picked them up and I dropped them off at the office. I read our FP handbook and it says we get 7 days a year but these kids haven't even been in care for 2 months & it was a really lame excuse for needing respite. The whole thing was a ploy to get us to take these kids in long term and when I said no to the CW I think she was offended b/c she has asked us several times (@ least 4 times since they have been in care). I don't take too kind to getting lied to so I said no we won't take these kids b/c the case doesn't match our goal. Older kiddo wants to go home to dad and he started his plan. These kids ate the entire weekend, so I guess I will check with our license worker.
Thanks for all the replys seems like every area does it a little different. Will let you know what I find out.
I have done it through the state and my agency. My agency pays the same day as regular foster care payment. With the state I have been shorted days and paid months later. It depends on if the paperwork gets lost or anyone follows up. I have a regular respite that I do and have a person who I know will process now. I really only want to do it through my agency now aside from my regular respite.
We get 12 days a year here, and the agency pays the foster parent the regular daily stipend rate. As long as we haven't gone over our 12 days, it doesn't come out of our monthly stipend.
So some of you guys still get paid when your kids are in respite? Like 12 days a year? We don't have anything like that. I love when my kids go to respite and the respite worker get money for clothes and diapers yet I send clothes and diapers.