I know that there is at least one GAL who regularly posts (I believe her user name is Lemon Pie.)
For many years, I have been interested in adoption and foster care and research/read regularly about emotional, factual and legal issues related to these subject matters. While I had thought at one time that my husband and I would adopt, I have come to realize that this is not likely with my family's needs (I have three children- two with type 1 diabetes and various other issues at home.) I still would like to be involved, however, as an advocate for children.
I've been a practicing attorney for almost 18 years. My job is fairly flexibile, and my husband stays home with our three children. Can anyone give me some idea as to what being a GAL is really like? What services or help you provide for the children? Time investment? Do you think that a GAL can really make a difference in the life of a child considering our current system?
I have read a variety of documents available through Florida's Guardian ad Litem website, including Standards of Operation. What else should I read up on (realizing that there is training and certification required in order to actually become a GAL.)
Thanks so much for any answers/ recommendations/feeback/opinions.