You will be able to see any medical records they have for the baby, any medical or behavioral issues they have seen. You'll learn about the birth family. Is this baby legally free? If not, you may want to ask why this is a concurrent placement (I assume it is since you said "match). You'll have to know if there are visits and with whom. You'll want to ask if ICWA has been explored and if there is any chance the child is NA. You'll want to ask if all potential relatives have been ruled out or declined placement. Ask about exposures and how they were discovered (meconium testing? etc.). You should see a form the bio filled out, if they did, that discloses things they admitted to using during pregnancy. That's all I can think of for right now.
Mountain Mommy posted all the things you SHOULD get at a disclosure but it all depends on the county, the social worker, and if the parents filled out anything. :)
We were told may 25% of the above info with lots of blanks that we have had to try to fill in. We were not able to see any medical records--we were told about medical issued but only a few of them not all that we discovered after we had her in our home--she is 100% deaf in one ear and HOH in the other, needed glasses, had a stroke sometime in her past (when we first met her we could clearly see something had happened since she had facial weakness on one side), incorrect medical information given about issues they said she had but turned out to be untrue.
Basically what I am telling you is you will find out some helpful information but take it like a grain of salt. We asked to speak to her primary doctor to ask questions and get the medical side straight from someone treating her. (medical fragile kid)
We went with our gut after the disclosure and said yes and we have never regretted it.
Thanks for the responses! I was lucky enough to receive a lot of info during my matching call and received more info during the disclosure. Had my first visit today. I am in love and it was hard to leave him :( I will go back for 3 more visits then do a day visit. Hoping to have him home by Mother's Day :)