Joan Lee Hostvedt living in Edmonton is the birthmother of my mother (given name (Elisabeth Hostvedt and after adoption) Linda Wilhelmina Provoost - born oktober 1960) who was adopted by a dutch family Provoost.
After receiving the adoptionsforms I found the birthmother (my grandmother). I contacted her a she mentioned there was another child born, but also given away for adoption. She didn't want to give more information and contact have been lost.
Now I know who is my grandmother, but I would like to know more about my grandfather (unknown - probably lives in England) and more about the half-sister of my mother (unkown).
If anyone knows more about this story or people mentioned please contact me via
I've sent you an email @ but haven't received a response. I'm wondering if I used the wrong email address?
I believe that I am the half sister of your mother. Please confirm if you've received my email and respond through email.
Thank you...