I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has ADHD kids and has not medicated them and used other techniques that have proven to be successful over time. There seems to be much lately about the neuroplasticity of the brain and I sometimes wonder if the medication, although helpful, does not allow the brain to "repair" itself. For example, I just read about a study that found that poor readers who received reading interventions developed more white matter tracts than control. My son was diagnosed, and still has difficulty in school, but I have not medicated him. I've noticed that his ODD has virtually disappeared over the past month, and that he is better academically when given certain tutoring than what he receives at school. I plan to unschool him next year, and see how that affects his academics. Any thoughts?
Well, doesn't seem as if there's too much interest out there. I think ADHD has so many different faces that what works for one won't work for all. I just finished a book titled: " Easy to Love, but Hard to Raise" a compilation of essays by parents of ADHD kids. I thought it was helpful to see what its like from the parents' perspective (some worse, some better than my experience) and how they dealt with it. My son still does not behave, sit still, etc. in school, and he downright refuses to do his work; but he is becoming better and better at home. I don't think he does the work at school because he is not ready for it. As I mentioned he is quite compliant with the tutoring. I can't wait for the unschooling, even though he is active, he will stick with things that he's really interested in.