We finally got a call (aka e-mail) about a little 7yr old girl! I can't wait to meet her. Our AW said we should be having full disclosure around the 1st part of June and then we'll set up a meeting. She should be living with us FT by the end of June :cheer:
Both bios had services terminated last year but have not been TPR'd. I feel bad that she's been in the system now for 2yrs and is just now finding her forever family. But better late than never! Our AW said they'll wait 4-6 months to file for a .26 hearing. It's been so long since classes that I've forgotten and I'm hoping someone can refresh my memory. How long do we have to wait after TPR to file for adoption?
She can't get here soon enough! Just waiting for school to finish and we'll have our little girl :cheer:
For us TPR hearing was held the week after we had our little one come to stay full time with us. (she had been in care for 17 months and they were just waiting for an adoptive placement home to have the hearing) The birth family have 90 days to appeal (at least in our county) The child has to live in the home a minimum of 6 months before you change from foster to adoptive home. Anytime after that 6 months you can finalize as long as the paper work gets done on time. (our case took 10 months to finalize due to staff changes and paperwork)
Yep, PP is correct. There is a 90 day appeal period and six months the child has to be in your home. They run concurrently.