I am putting together a book of letters from adoptees to bio-mothers. The following is my "ad" and a link to my kickstarter project.
Please pass this information on to everyone you know, and ask they in turn pass it along to everyone they know.
As much as I need the funding, I most importantly need letters. The book will not happen without them. I have about a dozen letters so far, but need many, many more.
I need help with this near and dear to my heart project. Thank you all!
Adoptees wish you could write to your biological mother? Want to say thank you, or I hate you? The book Dear Mother, is an outlet for adoptees who have not been able to contact their biological mothers. Heartfelt letters filled with the ache of abandonment to the joys of a wonderful life, Dear Mother, covers all emotions; interviews and photos. Contact Liz at
[url=]Dear Mother, Letters from Adoptees to Biological Mothers by Elizabeth Anne Miller Elfring — Kickstarter[/url]