If you need help searching Ohio, please send me a private message.
Hi, I really hope you can help or at lease guide me in the right direction. I am searching for any biological family I may have. I was born in Toledo Hospital on 8/25/1967, born with severe asthma, birth mother was in teens from what I was told. I was first in foster care and adopted before I was 2. My adoption was in Ottawa County, case worker was Hellen Hutton or Sutton, Adoption Attorney was Frank Reinheimer. Not much more than that. I have spent the last few years searching registries and have found no matches. I have 3 wonderful children, 2 girls, 9 and 8, a son, 23. They are always asking about their nationality on my side and I would love to be able to tell them something. Please help if you can, my children and myself would be so greatful for any information. I was told my birth mother was around 14 y.o., she is still young and most likely went on to have a family. Thank you for reading this.
I don't know how or where to start looking for birth parents. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
According to my birth certificate I was born on March 13,1978 at St. Elizabeth hospital in Cincinnati. Male.
As far as I know I was adopted through Catholic charities.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I tried sending a PM but your box is full.
I tried to email you through site but didn't work. Sent pm.
I was adopted through frances d cady. Columbus oh 1967. My birth last name Bortel. Bortel is not italian. I was told mom was italian. Email me