I just had to say....these poor guys have had it bad for a long while :(
They report a lot of domestic violence/spousal abuse and abuse from their biological father. (who is not really in the picture, lives in another state)
The 10 year old actually will only go by his middle name because he shares his fathers first name and he refuses to associate with him.
They are afraid to ask for seconds at dinner but I can tell they are starving for more! They are rambunctious, but respond quickly to correction, they seem pretty nervous about getting into trouble. They each spend 10-15 minutes in the shower (they were filthy when they came to me two nights ago!)
It just makes me so sad. The 11 year old threw up last night and didn't tell me. I came to check on them, and I found his tshirt that he wore to bed on the floor covered in pink stuff (koolaid from the night before! LOL) and macaroni noodles. His comfortor and "lovie" I bought him (and yes, they boys were thrilled with stuffed animal lovies I bought them!) were covered as well. so he was freezing all curled up in a ball without sheets and just a thin blanket. (it got down to 40's last night).
He apologized profusely for throwing up and stated he tried to make it to the toilet and couldn't. I felt so bad for this kid.
I haven't had the older kids for awhile now, and it keeps suprising me how willing they are to talk about past abuses.
I haven't had that age kid for awhile that was able to describe it in detail (scary really!!!) and I am somewhat at a loss for what to say to them besides "I'm sorry that happened to you!"
These boys are breaking my heart :(
How do you re-assure them and love on them? I am obviously doing the best I can.
I hug them and tuck them into bed at night, they have lovies etc. They are just seeking affection, attention and positive feedback.
Social worker called today and stated that there is fictive kin that are wanting to take all 5 kids. The SW will visit Monday morning and she wants to make sure the kids "are ok with them". Hope to know more next week.
My poor sister, the younger ones are the ones that are the handful! The 5 yo boy already used nailpolish to "decorate" the wall and a few other surfaces. Needless to say he is on line of sight supervision now. 4 yo is "streetsmart" and very bossy. 2 year old is sweet.
ANd the two girls had lice! Three boys did not, thank goodness! 11 year old covered in old flea bites he keeps itching.
Awww... poor kids. I think (based on what I read here, I've never had older kids) that the "older"/non-toddler kids would be harder emotionally just b/c they can describe what they've been through, and yet they just need to be babied. Most 10 year old boys I know aren't much for snuggling anymore, but that seems to be exactly what these kids would need. :( It nearly broke my heart to have a needy, snuggly 3 year old who acted so tough during the day, I can't imagine a kid who's too big for my lap needing to be in it!
You are doing great for them. Get some calamine or after-bite for the flea bites, lots of lotion, maybe mini-massages for them both after showering just to help them relax and give them some TLC. Have them "help" you with things like laundry (especially after an accident like that) so that you can praise them for being so helpful/responsible. They probably need babying, but they also need a sense of purpose and responsibility.