Originally Posted By Jones
elderly grandmother wishes to see granddaughter adopted thru SC State agency, born at Providence Hosp.
Originally Posted By Michele
I was born at Providence Hospital in August of 1970. My record says I was born on the 17th, but I have discovered that sometimes those dates are deliberately erroneous. Have you found your granddaughter yet? If not, respond with any other info about the family and I will compare it to what I know. Thanks.
this baby was adopted thru SC DSS, mother's name was Jones. I'm sure the baby was placed within days of her birth.
Originally Posted By Michele
I, too, was adopted through SC DSS. My adoptive parents took custody of me within a week or so of my birth. I don't know the names of anyone in my birth family. However, I do know something of their circumstances (i.e. jobs, ages, occupation of grandparents etc.) My birth mother was only 15 or 16 when I was born. If this matches your info, please respond with any info you might have.
Originally Posted By jones
bmother was hs senior, maternal grandfather-businessman, maternal grandmother-schoolteacher.
Originally Posted By Michele
I don't think this information matches mine. My birthmother's mother was a clerk in a grocery store or drugstore and my birthfather bagged groceries there. He was from a farming family, and disappeared upon learning of my imminent birth. My birthmother had long auburn colored hair and was very quiet. She was sent to a home for unwed mothers.I wish you good luck in finding your granddaughter.
Originally Posted By scott
my name is scott c. im looking for birth mom her name is shelby jean or jean shelby jones she was born oct. 6 1942 in s.c. i was born 7/11/61 if you know her please let me know since you are a jones. i hope you find you
Originally Posted By scott
my name is scott c. im looking for birth mom her name is shelby jean or jean shelby jones she was born oct. 6 1942 in s.c. i was born 7/11/61 if you know her please let me know since you are a jones. i hope you find you
I just found this post. I dont even know if you are still looking. I was born 8/3/1970 at Providence and was adopted through SC whatever it is called. I actually know a lot about my birth mother...I even have her picture. I know very little about my birth father or his family except some descriptions. Are you from the father or mothers side? Can you give any more details?
sorry...saw some more posts after I posted. According to the searchers...My name was Gae, given to me by my foster mother. My mothers name was Mae Bell Spires. Her father and stepmother were from Sumter. The rest of her family was from North, SC. She was living with her brother, because she got mad at her family, when she got pregnant. She was staying in a home when she had me. She got married shortly after my birth. So, unfortunately, I dont think we are a match. Good luck to you.