Hello again!
I have taken several days and many attempts to shorten and fine tune this first letter to my mother. I decided to leave out a lot of stuff.
In trying to put a finger on what I want from all this, I still struggle. I guess I do not have a lot of 'burning questions' like so many other adoptees. I guess the one thing I want is to know is if she's alright. And if she isn't, maybe contact will help her in some small way? I have worried about her all my life. Was she pressured or forced to give me up? Dah! 1961!
Also, in my research and self-search, many changes in my point of view have occurred. Like, I was probably not 'given up'; I was most likely surrendered. Now, I am not really comfortable being a 'gift' or 'chosen'. I am not angry about it, but it is a totally new way of thinking for me. And I am still sorting all that out.
I figured the letter should just focus simply on the initiation of contact. Focus on her! Does she need to know what jobs I've had, things I've done, in this first contact? Does she really need to know how many grandkids and great grand kids she has? Do I need her to know this? Not really.
My a-sister suggested that in this letter I give a few months notice of how long I will wait/look for a response from my b-mom. I decided against it. What difference will that make if my focus is truly on my b-mother. I waited nearly 52 years to try to find out if she is "okay", Right? My b-mother can take as much time she needs, even if that means forever. She deserves that from me!
Anyway, I finally got the nice stationary and pens. I plan to practice my penmanship next! LOL! But here's where I am with the letter.
As always, I totally appreciate and take to heart any input or suggestions imparted. Your critiques are definitely needed. You are all an absolute Godsend to me!
Date: XXXX
Dear XXXX,
Please allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is XXXX. I was born July 26th, 1961 at St. Annes in Los Angeles, CA. At birth, I was given the name XXXX and I am the natural daughter of XXXX and XXXX.
Recently, I discreetly received this information through anonymous ґsearch angels on the internet. I believe you and I have been, and forever will be, connected because I believe you are my mother.
I certainly do not want this letter to cause any distress or problems in your life. You do not know me now, but I have always known you with my heart. My heart has always been full of love for you. I spent 9 months growing right under your heart, and I believe your love must have poured into my tiny heart to help me be the woman I am today.
My life is what it is today because of you. True, it would have been different, but I cannot say it would have been either better or worse. I am a product of what I have lived and experienced. I believe that life is truly full when there is joy, love, laughter, and yes, even tears. I know that I am totally blessed to have such a full life.
I hope you can understand, at least a little, my need to reach out to you. To tell you that IҒm okay and that I so hope you are okay too. I have never thought ill of you. I do not judge you and I will never tell you what you did was wrong. I marvel at the courage you must have had as a young woman to go through what you did. I have total admiration when I try to imagine what you experienced to give me the life I have now.
I just need to know that you are alive, and if I can, Id like to know what life has been for you since we parted -- IҒd like to know you. I so hope your life was blessed with many wonderful things. If I do not get the opportunity to know you, please know that you will always be in my prayers.
I know this is a lot of information coming to you all at once, and of course there are many things about myself Id like to share with you, but I do not want to overwhelm you. So, if I can share one thing about myself in this letter, it would be my absolute love of the outdoors. My most favorite activity is definitely going up into the mountains or woods. I like to call it my ғnature soak. Camping, fishing, hiking, rafting, exploring, or simply sitting next to a stream and I feel I am at my best and at peace.
I can only presume receiving this letter comes as a shock to you. It is my deepest hope that you can forgive any intrusion on my part. I understand you may have fears and uncertainty, but please know I will pose no threat to you. I will not confront you; I would never disturb your privacy by turning up unannounced.
Please also know that I do not want to impose myself on anyone. I will take your ԑlead on how, or if, you want to continue contact. I am hoping we could exchange letters and perhaps have a phone call or meeting in the future, but only if you are willing.
I want to respect your decision regarding any contact, even if it is a ғno. I will be okay with that. I understand that you will need time. And I am content to wait, but it is very important to me to at least know that you have received this letter. You can call me; email me; IԒve included a S.A.S.E. so you could write to me. Which ever way is most comfortable for you, would you please contact me that you have received this letter and what your wishes are?
I hope you found peace regarding my birth so long ago. And if in some way you did not find total peace with it, I pray that maybe I am able to bring you a small amount peace now with this letter.
With Love Always Your Daughter,
Home Phone:
As a birthmom I find the letter heartfelt and to the point. If you do not hear from her I would take that as a sign she isn't interested in contact at all. I am proud of your understanding and reaching out. Best to you!
As a birthmom I find the letter heartfelt and to the point. If you do not hear from her I would take that as a sign she isn't interested in contact at all. I am proud of your understanding and reaching out. Best to you!
Or that she hasn't seen your letter or has to think about how it may affect her current family situation. Maybe she needs time to tell her family. Don't assume anything. I am a birth mother and would jump at hearing from my birth son but not all parents can even if they would if they could
I think your letter is lovely but perhaps a bit more than you like the outdoors. Perhaps that you were raised well and loved (assuming you were) that you've had a full life and a wonderful family. I'm sure she's been wondering that for years. Having the answer in her first correspondence I imagine would be such a relief.
But I think your letter screams "caring" just beautifully done! Good luck I hope it gets an immediate response.
Sierra, what a lovely warm letter. So thoughtful and so humane.
I think you are right to follow your own instinct on all things to do with creating a relationship with your mother. Your intuition and feel of the situation is your best guidance. It is like your compass. Don't be persuaded out of that intuition.
Another poster advises that you perhaps also include information...
that you were raised well and loved (assuming you were) that you've had a full life and a wonderful family.
...I disagree. I think this is extraneous information. Keep the information about you. This is a relationship between you and her - everything else can be added on later, at the right time, as feels right.
Very very best wishes to you.
Hi Sierra61,
I am new to the forumn
, and I came across your letter. I was wondering if you ever heard from your birth mom? I just loved your letter and I would have been thrilled to get a letter like than from my son. Best wishes to you and your family.
Hi Sierra61,
I am new to the forumn
, and I came across your letter. I was wondering if you ever heard from your birth mom? I just loved your letter and I would have been thrilled to get a letter like than from my son. Best wishes to you and your family.