Hello everyone! I am single, 36, and live in WV, and would like to adopt an infant domestically. I have been looking into adoption for a little while now, and recently stepped up my efforts to actually start the process.
I've been researching agencies, and I am looking for what types of questions other people have asked while they were deciding what agency to go with. Were there questions that you realized later that you should have asked? I would like to make a decision soon so that I can really get started in the process, but I also want to feel comfortable knowing that I have asked the questions that need to be asked.
Also, since I live in WV, it is likely that I will be part of an interstate adoption. If anyone has a recommendation for an agency, I would really love to hear what you have to say--please PM me!
I've been lurking about reading what everyone has to say on other posts, and I feel so lucky to have found a forum where people are actually replying to posts! I've looked into some other forums, and in some cases that last posts were from 2-3 years ago.
Any information will be greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping me out!
Welcome Maisyday!! There is a good size contingent of singles who adopted here who are great at offering support and advice.
I asked specifically about their feelings of working with singles and then their numbers. How many placements with singles did they have last year. I had one agency tell me that they work with singles, BUT they would always send out profiles for couples first. Drop that agency!!
Know your budget!! Ask $$$ questions. I liked the agencies that had one flat fee (instead of the list of small charges that look optional but aren't). My advice is to find agencies that DO NOT require large sums of money up front. That way you can pick an agency to start with and if things aren't moving a long as fast as you would like, you can add another agency.
Blessings to you on your journey!!!!!!