Hi. I have two children adopted from Ukraine. My son is 14 (adopted at 7) and my daughter is 13 (adopted at 4), additionally I have 2 older biological children (23 and 22). My 14 year old son is currently residing in a residential treatment facility - the third one in 10 months. He is very aggressive and was expelled from public school and private school (gave another boy a concussion and punched a female teacher) and then admitted to a residential treatment facility. He has been in individual therapy since his adoption. Is anyone struggling with this issue?
He has only recently (6 weeks) been diagnosed with Aspergers - in addition to the mood disorder, reactive attachment disorder, ADHD and conduct disorder (may be ruled out). The facility where he is now, specializes in the treatment of children with aspergers / autism disorders. The violence scares me and the complete lack of remorse.
Thanks for any guidance or advice you might be able to provide!