I've got two special Mothers.
One that raised me
and one that gave me life.
Today and tomorrow are their birthdays.
I love both of them.
Birth Mother - Cathee
You gave me life. Even though your gone, I still feel your spirit. I did not know you in life, but I feel like you never left my side. I am successful in life and never gave up on being me. I've had to struggle with so much acceptance from your children during reunion. I am nothing but the daughter that you gave away. I am not the reason they are alive..
Adopted Mother - Virginia
I will always love you, and model being a parent after you. You taught me so much. I am forever Thankful that you showed me your ways. You turned 92 today and you are still going strong. I do not have your genes but that has never mattered to you.
I love you both, and will never give up on trying to be just like you both!
Happy Birthday Mom's