So, my 2 fosters, 3 and 5, went to bed without being told today which is not normal. I went in to check on them and found them in the bed together. Both had their pj tops open/off and were in the same bed. When I walked into the room, they jumped up and started putting on their PJs. Both had guilty looks and would not answer me when asked what they were doing.
The counselor thinks that one of the kids has been molested in the past, so I think that I need to tell her about this. My husband thinks it is nothing and nothing should be said about it. :confused:
I want to protect these kids and my bio child that sleeps in the same room. Biokid was spending the night at my parents the night this happened.
Keep in mind though that sexual curiosity is developmentally appropriate. ("I'll show you mine if you show me yours.") It's possible (likely?) that they were exposed and/or abused, but if they haven't been inappropriate w/adults, then it's likely just normal exploration.
Good news is they have the appropriate conscience development to realize they were doing something they shouldn't have been doing! ;)
PJ tops off and in bed together would not worry me. Jumping apart, putting the tops on, and refusing to discuss what was going on, would be a huge red flag to me. I would be not allow these two to be alone together until you have talked with a counselor.