I am a male that was born on July 28, 1963 in Baltimore, Maryland at Union Memorial Hospital at 11:49 pm. I am mid-search for my birth parents through the Maryland social services and “Confidential Intermediary” search program. But thought I'd jump on here and make this post. I also ordered a DNA test recently to find out my ethnicity and I'm excited about that. After receiving my non-identifying information I was able to learn some things. My birth mother had traveled from "across the country" to settle down in Baltimore with her then husband and an older sibling. Her father was a steel worker. My birth mother married young and was only 20, and separated from her husband, when she became pregnant with me (not by her husband). She was also in sales. My birth father was near the age of 20. When she told him she was pregnant he left. She kept the pregnancy and adoption a secret from her family which I believe must have also been difficult for her. My birth mother and adoptive mother had the same OB-GYN and were introduced that way. The adoption was private and handled by an attorney named Irving Settleman. I went home from the hospital with my adoptive family and stayed in Maryland. The name my birth mother gave me was Curtis.I thought it was worth a shot posting this. I wish everyone the best!