I am a mother living in China. Early this year, the 31st week of pregnancy, I gave birth to premature twins. A girl and a boy.
Unfortunately, according to the MRI report, these two babies were diagnosed with a neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE, mild) and periventricular leukomalacia (PVL, mild). Doctors diagnosis said that due to the girlҒs high leg muscle tension, she has a high risk of cerebral palsy, mild to moderate in severity. She may walk with scissors legs. Of course, with proper early intervention and rehabilitation treatment, theres the full possibility of the heal, and walk as normal children. Therefore, for the past few months, we have been doing the rehabilitation for her. The Boy's gross and fine motor is very good, he is unlikely to be developed the cerebral palsy, but his response sensitivity is inferior to the girl, and had mild congenital heart disease (ASD, 0.6 cm, doctor said this defect is quite normal for premature baby. Maybe he can healed by himself, and don't need the operative treatment).
These two babies are beautiful and cute. They have beautiful big eyes, just like their father. According to our observation, their performances are mostly good, the basic growth measurements are normal (recently, the girlҒs weight is 6.5KG and the boys 7.6KG ), and their eyesight and hearing is normal too, without any genetic diseases and infectious diseases. The girl baby is very smart. She likes to laugh, using her eyes and smile to communicate with us a lot. The boy baby is handsome and gentle. Also, he also likes to laugh very much. Due to their previous medical history, they maybe not that perfect, but compared with most of the kids in the orphanage, their physical physiological condition is much better.
We love the twins very much, but given China's medical treatment conditions, traditional culture towards so called ғproblem baby and our economic capability of raising them, we are now seriously considering about the overseas adoption in desperation.
In China, the overseas adoptions are all processed via orphanage or warfare house which are established and run by government. The reason why I contact foreign families before taking the twins directly to an orphanage is due to the baby's rehabilitation reason, we don't want to let the babies spent too long a time in the orphanage, where the rehabilitation treatment is not as good, while waiting for oversea adoption.
We wish we can still keep in touch closely with our babies in some certain ways after they are adopted. For instance, having their photos and knowing the latest situation of how theyԒre doing would be perfect.
We hope that we can find the right foreign family that have the willingness to adopt the twins. Through the legal oversea adoption process and proper international adoption agency that cooperate with the orphanage here in China, we hope that we could finally find a whole new home for our twins as soon as possible.
Im searching for a foreign family which is caring and willing to take care of the twins and they can come to China to adopt the babies in the nearly future.
For the photos or videos of the two babies, contact me
Are you aware it's illegal to surrender a child for adoption in China? That's why most adopted children from China don't have any information on their birth family. What did you end up doing with the twins?